Saturday, February 26, 2011

Why birds are stupid.

About a month ago my female slave refilled the bird feeder that she so lovingly installed outside of my sliding glass door, that gives me the bird channel in HD! Every year the stupid birds come and feast on sunflower seeds and other stupid bird delights, while I meanicingly cat chirp and yodel from behind the glass, as well as drool. So far this year the stupid birds have let me down. Probably because I captured and ate one of their friends last year.. But seriously, that's beside the point. They just started coming into my back yard in the last few weeks, but only peck at the ground with their doofy beaks for worms and bugs, I think they think I don't notice they are out there... It recently snowed and there is still snow on the ground. Some may not know this, but snow does not lie. If you step in it, there will be foot prints/paw prints/dumb bird feet prints/etc. These feather brained beasts must think I am not aware of their presence, because there are stupid bird prints ALL OVER OUTSIDE BUT NONE THAT EVEN COME CLOSE TO THIS REDICULOUS BIRD FEEDER THAT I ENJOY WATCHING. I feel cheated by the birds this year. It makes me hate them even more. I plan on murdering more than one this year. Just wait birdies, I will EAT YOUR FAMILIES.

1 comment:

  1. bwahaha:) Booger I can't wait to meet you and squish you!
