Monday, March 14, 2011

I've been busy,

Which is why I haven't been blogging. Since I know I have so many fans, all whom are dying, wondering why my furry paws haven't been typing lately, I'll let you in on my busyness.

I've been napping.

I know, it's truly a hard job. Firstly you have to pick where you want to nap (I have too may options to consider: there's 6 cushions to choose from, plus one of the two ottomans, two chairs, the tile infront of the fire place, under the curtins, under the table, in front of my food dish, in a number of cabinets, on top of the washer, the rug in front of the kitchen sink, one of the 14 stairs, any one of the three beds, under any one of the three beds, in the slaves' closet, tucked under their sweatshirts or jeans, in either of the bath tubs, the chair in my slaves' room.. many more...), I just have too many options! Secondly, I have to find out how I can make it lumpier, because we all know, the more lumps, the more comfortable. My top preferences of the day are the notecards my woman slave is making for my man slave so he passes his promotion board (I'm crossing my tail for this because I want better treats), all three remotes, my woman slaves crochet patterns (which I slid all over everytime I turned over...I'm sure she'll forgive all the crumples I made; ) I mean I am VERRRY handsome), the basket full of yarn balls, and a wadded up blanket. They may change tomorrow. Lastly, sleeping is an art, once you've met where, and what, you have to find the perfect position to sleep in. I prefer sleeping on my back with all four paws in the air, exposing my furry tummy fur, with my head cocked to the side and my tail in a curly cue pattern. BEST NAPS EVER.



  1. Booger, can you please tell me why us 'slaves' as you call us,even bother buying you cats beds and pillow when you just prefer to lie on papers! :) This post is ADORABLE!

  2. awh!!!! i love all things kitties. Seriously.This is adorable!
