Thursday, April 7, 2011


Male and female slave recently found my hoarding spot for all things sparkly and shiny, not that it was something I was embarrassed of (well maybe for all the tin foil balls there), I was actually pleased, because now I have the toys back that I LOVE. But don't tell anyone that I love anything. It might ruin my reputation.

These are other things I love:
My special breakfasts EVERY morning, ON TIME (aka WHEN I WANT IT)
Thinking I am being so sly and sneaky (blending in with the concrete outside and slowly moving toward a bird (when I think it's not paying attention to me)) while planning/participating in my next hunting trip.
Water with ice in it.
Hiding on the stairs (because I'm sneaky), waiting to launch out and scare the crap out of my slaves.
Trying to burrow under the Powder Room door; and also yelling at it.
Staring at the same spot on the wall for hours at a time.
Eating yarn.
Selling Cat Nip.
Eating Cat Nip.
Not being pretted.
Always being paid attention to (but not being petted).
Eating rubber bands.
Playing with rubber bands,
Anything having to do with rubber bands.
Obsessively walking in the same foot steps around the yard, EVERYTIME I go outside.
Being better than ANYTHING IN THE WORLD.
When the Male Slave pays attention to the Female Slave before noticing me.
Lurking in the bathtubs, waiting for an unsuspecting slave to walk in so I can launch at them.
Folding Laundry (aka- climbing into the dryer as soon as the Female Slave opens the dryer door).
Helping make the bed (extra points if I get made into the fitted sheet).
MY ottoman.
MY chair.
Watching Cat TV (aka- the bird feeder through the sliding glass door).
When my Female Slave rolls balls of yarn.
When I get treats.
Kneading on anything made of microfiber (it feels the best on my paws).
Laying on things that the Slaves refer to as 'uncomfortable'.
Pit'r Patter salmon flavored kitty treats (these are extra special and I only get them when I'm trying to be bribed, which is just one of the many reasons why I am stubborn).
Sleeping under the blanket with my Female Slave when she takes a nap.
Showing off my incredible muscles as I easily knock heavy items to the floor when I feel they are in my way and/or I feel I'm not getting paid enough attention.
Letting guests admire my beauty, but making sure they DON'T TOUCH ME.
Yodeling in the early hours of morning.

I'll finish this later, I'm in desperate need of a cat nap.

P.s. If anyone leaks that I love anything at all, I will take all 12 of my front claws and make sure you NEVER talk again.

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