Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Names Booger

Meyellow Everyone!

I am Booger, King of all Kitties. That is the first and foremost lesson you need to know about me. I basically hate life, unless I am snoozing on the ottoman, basking in sweet, sunny delightfulness. I like to slap things and my People Slaves when they upset or pet me, it reassures me that I still hold my power. My very favorite ottoman (the one mentioned above), catapulted me off the other day, in the middle of a charming nap; I was absolutely seething, so after I regained my clarity, I slapped his dodgy stature.
As part of my house ruling, I am sure to wake up my People Slaves, primarily the woman, every morning around 4:27; which is 8 minutes before the male slave gets up. I pester her until she's angry, by singing loudly and knocking the clock off of their shelf. She tires to bribe me to be quiet by handing me crunchies she keeps in her nightstand, but it's morning, and I like my wet hash, but to please her I trick her by taking a few bites, then I go back to singing. Sometimes she throws pillows at me, this just makes me more excited and I race up and down the stairs and then fly into their room, slamming the door open as loudly as possible. This is the point that she starts yelling, then get up. Then I run, because I like to be chased, and she needs to wake up. So we ran around the livingroom, and the kitchen. I'm now bored, so I hide under the table and make sure that she can't capture me. She then opens the treat drawer, to which I run over to her, snatch my treat, and then she throws me outside until my male slave gets up to feed me breakfast. I win everyday.
I'm awfully tired from all of this dictating, my ottoman is calling my name.

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